“After I split with my ex-husband, I went through the typical phase that all divorcees go through when they’re horny as hell,” super-busty mom Tahnee Taylor told us. “I like to have sex at least two times a day. I like younger guys with a lot of stamina. Al had plenty of that when he was thrusting inside my ass in our scene. And what a lot of cum he had saved up! I rubbed his cock all over my face when it came out. He really came buckets. I wish I could meet more studs like him.” Hey, Tahnee, we’ve got plenty of them. And about Ms. Taylor’s comment about all divorcees going through a phase when they’re horny as hell: That might be true (it probably is), but they don’t all show off their hot bodies on-camera and get ass-fucked for all the world to see. Tahnee did, and she has become one of our most-fucked MILFs at 40SomethingMag.com.
Tahnee Taylor
Curvy mature Rheina Shine
Tahnee Taylor makes Busty MILF of the Month for the second time. A super-MILF who overflows her bras to the point of strap-snapping, Tahnee Taylor takes two super-studs and puts them through an intense workout. They’re up for the challenge of fucking Miss Taylor’s mouth, pussy and butthole, and when their three-way orgy reaches the top of the mountain, or mountains in Tahnee’s case, they blow a geyser into her waiting mouth so she can swallow every drop. “Men always go for my big breasts,” said Tahnee. No surprises there. That’s the first thing about Tahnee that we zero in on. Here’s a mature babe with a blast-furnace sex drive. “The funniest thing a guy ever said to me was, ‘Hi, I’m an astronaut and my next mission is to explore Uranus.’ Not many guys can say that to a woman and make it funny. I don’t know if he recognized me or not. “I love big dicks.